
As a leading company in the aerospace and defense sector and a significant employer in multiple states, HII remains actively involved in the public policy process at the federal, state, and local levels on behalf of our shareholders and our employees. Our political engagement is undertaken with a strong commitment to HII company mission, purpose, and values. Further, our involvement includes advocacy efforts at both federal, state, and local levels in accordance with our robust internal policies and disclosed by the company through public filings in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Most of our lobbying expenses are considered unallowable costs under our government contracts and non-deductible expenses for tax purposes under the Internal Revenue Code. The most recent Lobbying Disclosure Act filings submitted to the U. S. Congress can be found here.

HII Political Action Committee (HIIPAC)

Consistent with U.S. federal law, HII does not use corporate funds to contribute to federal candidates, political parties, or political committees, or otherwise employ its resources, including in-kind, even when permitted by law. The company encourages political and civic engagement by our employees as part of our citizenship commitment to the communities in which we live and work. Employees may not be reimbursed, directly or indirectly, by the company for personal political contributions and expenses. 

Certain eligible employees of HII participate in an employee funded political action committee known as HIIPAC. This employee-led organization receives voluntary contributions from individual employees and provides financial support to candidates for federal office whose positions align with the best interests of HII as an enterprise and the greater aerospace and defense industry. HIIPAC is maintained by an operating committee with oversight from an executive committee. Both committees are comprised of leaders from each of the company's three operating divisions and the corporate office. HIIPAC makes political contributions in a bipartisan manner based on alignment with established criteria and our company values.

HIIPAC contributions are not determined by the private political preferences of any specific employee. HIIPAC thoroughly evaluates potential contributions to federal candidates based on the following:

  • Demonstrated support for national defense and the aerospace & defense industrial base
  • Presence of HII facilities, employees & suppliers in a given state/district
  • Membership on relevant committees of jurisdiction
  • Leadership positions & seniority
  • Military and/or other previous experience

HIIPAC disbursements are reported monthly to the Federal Election Commission and can be found here.

Contributions to Campaigns at the State Level 

As a corporation, HII may contribute to campaigns and candidates for state and local office in certain states where the company maintains significant business interests and where such contributions are permitted by law. All contributions made by the company are fully disclosed with each state as required by law.

Trade Associations

As part of our participation in the legislative and regulatory processes, HII contributes to trade associations whose mission and agenda align with the interests of our business. The following organizations are the only trade associations to which HII contributes at least $50,000 in annual membership dues: the Business Roundtable, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Aerospace Industries Association, the Shipbuilders Council of America and the Mississippi Economic Council.

Other Matters

Additionally, the company does not contribute to efforts to approve or defeat ballot measures in certain states. At the federal level, HII does not use corporate funds for independent expenditures. HII does not contribute to organizations formed under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code and does not contribute to “Super PACs”.